Wangaratta Medical Centre is committed to the ongoing professional development of all our team. We have a very strong commitment to training and we work closely with the University of Melbourne Rural Pathway, Charles Sturt University and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Each year we accept doctors into our GP registrar training program and 3rd year Medical Students completing their GP placement.
We have an exceptionally experienced team of GP Supervisors (who are also Medical Educators, College Examiners and Lecturers) that are supported by our GPs, Nurses and Administration staff.
We believe our registrars, recent fellows and students are testament to the quality of the training and the opportunities that are available at Wangaratta Medical Centre. If you are interested in training at Wangaratta Medical Centre and would like to know more please contact the Business Manager, Netty, for a confidential initial discussion.
Wangaratta Medical Centre is an accredited teaching practice and provides General Practice Registrars opportunities to complete their formal General Practice Fellowship in conjunction with The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
Wangaratta Medical Centre routinely has positions available for GPT1, GPT2, GPT3 and GPT4/Extended Skills Registrars.
Enquires about Registrar placement opportunities at Wangaratta Medical Centre can be made directly with the practice, or through RACGP GP Training.
Wangaratta Medical Centre is involved in the Rural Clinical School Program from the University of Melbourne and Charles Sturt University. Under this program we host 1st, 2nd or 3rd year medical students each year.
Patient consultations involving student doctors are always undertaken with the patients’ prior consent. If you prefer the student to not be present we encourage you to let our receptionists or doctor know prior to consultation.
We appreciate your participation as this provides an essential part of their medical studies.